Saturday 5 April 2014


We were during several days doing different experiences:

  • We visited and took pictures of San Clemente's main monuments. 
  • With the computer and the program GIMP we obtained a profile out of those pictures (like a painting). 
  • Later we did an engraving workshop, taking the paintings, we engraved the profiles in linoleum.
  • And we printed the linoleum on paper with ink in a press.
If each school in Europe would do the same experience, it would be cheap and easy to get profiles in relief for our monuments.

It was very nice for us and it can be useful for blind people. 

First of all, we selected and took pictures in San Clemente's monuments:

After that, we converted the photos into negative drawings with GIMP:

Mercedes de la Pola, from the Fundación Antonio Pérez, taught us how to engrave in linoleum and later to print it. The workshop was really interesting and useful, Mercedes de la Pola is a very didactic person, her explanations were clear and practical.


We made an engraving workshop to learn the linoleum technic. 
We wanted to learn to be able to engrave the profile of our village's main monuments. 
Our first step was to contact to the local Museum (Fundación Antonio Pérez), we told Mercedes de la Pola about our initiative and she got excited with the idea of helping us. We were lucky as the authorities had inaugurated the installations to carry out this type of workshop, therefore we were the first group to make an engraving workshop in San Clemente. 

Read the full article, click the pictures or here

Friday 4 April 2014


We were eager to essay our initiative in our village (San Clemente). Our experience was funny, interesting and useful. 
We collaborated with a group of students in our school who helped us to summarise information and to make pictures of our monuments. 
After that, Mercedes de la Pola, who is the director of the Graphic Art Museum in San Clemente, prepared a workshop to show us how to work with linoleum and engraving technic. We prepared engraving paintings of our monuments. It was a really moving experience. 

Our final step was to write to the ONCE (National Organization of Spanish Blind People) in our province and Lucía Guijarro and Pilar Casado translated our text to Braille. 


It is a pity that blind people cannot enjoy with our wonderful heritage.
We would like to help a little with this problem. For us, it would be great if blind people could, at least, be able to touch the monuments' profile and to read some information of monuments in Braille.
Our initiative to our European Parliament:

  • Each village and town should prepare engraving pictures of their main monuments. 
  • Each village and town should prepare captions in Braille with this information.